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Tag: credit card

credit report

How To Get A Free Credit Report & What It Means To You

  How To Get A Free Credit Report & What It Means To You If you are applying for a credit card, mortgage, car or personal loan, you should be familiar with the information included in your credit report. You are issued a number, known as a FICO score, which

How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt Each year more and more people find themselves drowning in a pool of credit card debt. While it is comforting to some degree to be able to take solace in the fact that you’re not alone, most people would also prefer being able to

Credit Score: Getting Your Bad Credit Rating Repaired

Credit Score: Getting Your Bad Credit Rating Repaired

Credit Score: Getting Your Bad Credit Rating Repaired Your credit score will mean everything in today’s society. It is something that creditors and banks will base on whether you are worthy to get approved for the loan you are applying for and it is also something that will determine your

How To Get A Credit Card With Bad Credit

How To Get A Credit Card With Bad Credit

How To Get A Credit Card With Bad Credit Getting a credit card with bad credit is not at all advisable. But nevertheless, it is possible for people with bad credit to still get a credit card. You can do so by following the step mentioned below : 1) You

How To Raise Your Credit Score

How To Raise Your Credit Score

Is it really that important to raise your credit score? Maybe. Lenders have “break points” between scores that get you one interest rate or another. Suppose you have a score of 688, and the lender drops the mortgage rate by .5% at 690. Those two points can cost you an

How To Improve A Low Credit Score

How To Improve A Low Credit Score

If your credit score is below 700, you may not qualify for some of the best interest rates on credit cards, loans or mortgages. This means that just by having a credit score of 695, instead of 725 (just an example), you may end up paying thousands more in interest

Credit Repair

How To Contact Creditors To Help With Credit Repair

Good credit has become nearly a necessity these days. Credit has become almost essential to buying a car or a home (unless you have large amounts of cash lying around) and with the advent of online buying, it’s generally difficult to operate without some kind of credit card. Unfortunately, the

Consolidating Credit Card Loans

How to Repair Your Credit: Consolidating Credit Card Loans

If the bills seem to be getting bigger every month, budgeting can help you begin to save money, but it can’t help you make your previous debt disappear. However, you can save yourself from financial ruin, even if you’re trying to pay off 20 different credit cards—consolidate your credit card

Free credit report

How To Get A Free Copy Of Your Credit Report

If you’re going to apply for a credit card, a mortgage, a loan or any other source of finance, one thing any potential lender will check is your credit report. This will tell them about any previously unpaid debts or legal judgments against you and help them assess whether you