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Tag: improve your credit score

Credit Repair

The Basics of Credit Repair

The Basics of Credit Repair Basics of Credit Repair: By having a credit, you are using someone else’s money as payment for your purchases. In addition, it also indicates that you are swearing to repay the money to the agency or person that loaned you the amount. If you are applying

Improve your Credit Score

5 Easy and Quick Ways to Improve your Credit Score

Your credit score is based on a few prime factors, there is no particular order in which I will discuss them (Some of them have higher weights in regards to the score). Repayment history, current debt owed, recent credit checks, and registered income (there are other factors as well). In

Tips to Improve your Credit Score

Tips to Improve your Credit Score

Is your credit score bad, so much so that it is blocking you from getting appropriate loans? Though Credit score is just a three digit number it has great importance in today’s business world. Bank and money lenders solely depend on your credit score to judge your financial stability. In