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Raise Your Credit Score

How to Evaluate and Raise Your Credit Score

Why do some people get offers for pre-approved credit cards and others to don’t? What do car dealers know about your financial health that you don’t know? The answer is your credit score. Your credit score is a number generated by a mathematical formula to

Credit Repair Scams

Do You Know How To Spot Credit Repair Scams?

Do You Know How To Spot Credit Repair Scams? You may see ads on TV, online, or in the newspaper claiming that your bad credit can be quickly and easily fixed. Don’t fall prey to these credit repair scams artists. Avoid companies that tell you

bad credit

Government Credit Repairs

Government Credit Repairs If you are building a credit history, suffering bad credit or else your credit is great, there are sources available that will help you maintain credit,  repair credit, and build a credit history. If you have bad credit you must at least

0% credit card

How To Get An Interest Free Credit Card

How To Get An Interest Free Credit Card As competition in the UK credit card industry has consistently increased in recent years, credit card providers have been searching for more and more ways to attract customers to their own package of products. Most have gone

How to Fix your Credit Permanently

How to Fix your Credit Permanently

Our treacherous financial situation in this country like the infamous sub-prime mortgage meltdown has consumers wanting to get physically ill just thinking about it. This financial epidemic has not affected just personal lives, but a huge portion of “mom and pop” small business owners as

How To Get A Credit Card With Bad Credit

How To Get A Credit Card With Bad Credit

How To Get A Credit Card With Bad Credit Getting a credit card with bad credit is not at all advisable. But nevertheless, it is possible for people with bad credit to still get a credit card. You can do so by following the step

How To Repair Bad Credit

How To Repair Bad Credit

How To Repair Bad Credit The first step needed to overcome a bad credit is to snatch a copy and take a look into your own credit report because incorrect information on your credit report will only make matters worse if you already have a

Repair Credit

Counseling as a Way to Repair Credit

There are several ways in which people try to get out from under the weight of debt that is keeping them down. Most people have heard about various methods of credit card debt settlement which include debt negotiation and settlement, and these are often confused