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Tag: credit repair

Mistakes To Avoid In A Credit Repair

Mistakes To Avoid In A Credit Repair

Mistakes To Avoid In A Credit Repair If you have bad credit and are trying to work at fixing it, you know that it can take a long time. It can be difficult and is often quite involved, and it is easy to make mistakes while trying to fix things

Debt Management Plan

Making A Debt Management Plan For Credit Repair

Making A Debt Management Plan For Credit Repair Since it has become very difficult to purchase anything without a credit card, one consideration helping to credit repair, and ultimately a credit rating when you are having trouble getting a credit card is to get a pre-paid card. Many lenders offer

Improve your credit score

Understanding Credit Scores and Repairs

Understanding Credit Scores and Repairs If you are applying for a mortgage, you’re going to have to deal with credit scores. Here’s a primer on credit scores and methods for improving them. Credit Report Step one in the process is making sure that you have a current copy of your

Questionable Credit Repair Offers

Questionable Credit Repair Offers

Questionable Credit Repair Offers If you have a bad credit record, you know how hard it can be to secure new credit or seek new employment. While you may be willing to do whatever it takes to repair your credit rating, some companies not only offer illegal advice or methods

Fix Bad Credit

The Things You Can Do To Fix Bad Credit

The Things You Can Do To Fix Bad Credit When confronted with the reality of having bad credit, people?s first reactions are something along the lines of ?I’m doomed? , or ?This is it? and “That’s it.” But there?s no need to be so depressed and pessimistic just yet. Haven’t

Credit Repair

Credit Repair, A Chance For Much Needed Redemption

Credit Repair, A Chance For Much Needed Redemption There are many actions that you can defend by saying ?oh, I was just young and foolish then,? but when talking about credit repair, this will only get you sympathy from friends. You can pay dearly for foolish financial decisions and laziness

improve your credit score

Top 7 Questions About Your Credit Score

Top 7 Questions About Your Credit Score Here are the top 7 questions we hear from consumers about credit reports and credit scores. 1. Will closing paid off credit card accounts improve my credit score? This will surprise many of you, but closing paid off credit card accounts can actually

Repairing Credit Yourself

Repairing Credit Yourself?

Repairing Credit Yourself? I would like to share steps on how to fix bad credit and repairing credit yourself. These steps may seem easy, but they require a lot of dedication, time and patience. I would also forewarn you that a single mistake on your part, can further ruin your credit